Thursday, April 20, 2006

Good girls!

Well the girlies all laid today - extra corn for them tonight. Clockwise from top left: Speckled Maran egg (not sure why the pigmentation is like that), Wyandotte egg, Sussex, egg (v.small one today), Wyandotte egg and dark Maran egg.

Another update - Our grandmother is buying another hen for us as an Easter present. The original idea was to get a pair of Bantams but that's been postponed for a month or so, and we're looking for a pair of Orpingtons, Barn Velders, Rhode Islands or Welsummers instead.


Blogger Marsha Loftis said...

I had an uncle who used to raise fancy chickens as a hobby. I loved spending the weekend at his farm. Collecting the eggs was the coolest thing. They came in a variety of colors. It was cool.

8:09 p.m.  

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